

Developer: Alfredo Milani-Comparetti

  Overclocked or not, today's computers tend to be hot. This utility will show you the temperatures and the voltages of your computer. The program starts up in the “reading” section, where it informs the user about the temperatures of the cpu (temp1), and its usage, the North Bridge (temp2) and the system (temp3), not that the number of sensors varies with different motherboards, but the most of them have 3. The Rpm of the computer's monitored fans (it is suggested that you leave the “automatic fan speed” box checked) and the voltages are also shown in the reading section, there is also a box in which the user can see the i/o of the program, while you can also minimize the program to the tray, or configure it. The info tab reads the chipset, the system's ram (there is info, including size, access time, its type, and much more), and a “send report” function with which you can communicate with the programmer. The S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology) capabilities of your hard disc are reported in this section of the program, it is vital to know if you can trust your disk, since that is where all your information are being stored at! You just need to select the disc you want to retrieve the info for and the program will do that in no-time, displaying the model and its firmware.


  The configure section lets you customize which values to be displayed, as well as the temperature reading (Fahrenheit or Celsius), sensors access, colors fonts, and whether the program to start on booting or not. However, if you feel that you need fore help with this section, the programmer has included a pretty easy to follow “how to configure speedfan” document.


  Speedfan is an easy to use program that lets you know about your computer's temperature, the fact that when minimized, the cpu temp is displayed on the taskbar, makes it even easier.

Download SpeedFan!

Apostolis Koustas

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